Copyright Resources

It’s important that you understand copyright before using or distributing electronic media. Violations are punishable by law.

PT电子 takes copyright violations seriously. If you are aware of any possible copyright infringements please report them to the following.

To report copyright infringements on the University of Arkansas at Monticello web site, please notify:

Melissa K. Rust
Associate General Counsel
University of Arkansas
2404 North University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72207
Fax - 501-686-2517

Ms. Rust is the agent designated under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, P.L. 105-304.

If you are unsure, you can email PT电子's chief information officer for clarification.

FAQ for copyright at PT电子:

For Students

Illegal sharing of music and videos

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act

More information on copyright and student responsibilities please see the PT电子 student handbook pages 44-45, and pages 127 -128.

For Instructors

Showing movies in class and to groups

In most cases you will need permission to show movies. Usually there is a fee involved in obtaining permission. Companies’ such as Swank Motion Pictures can be used in obtaining permission for some movies. They also provide some useful information on copyright and showing movies at universities.

Short video collection on fair use and electronic media

For more information on copyright:

Copyright and Fair Use

U.S. Copyright Act

U.S. Copyright Office

Copyright Clearance Center